Cash-In-Safe policy is operative when the insured’s cash is being held up in the business premises or location as it is provided by the insured and stated on the schedule of the policy. The policy indemnifies the insured against damage or loss to cash while they are being kept in safe at the insured’s location. The cover includes only when the cash is secured in a safe and is granted only if the safe is burglar proof and is of an approved make and design.

Safe which is permanently installed in the premises is a better risk than a safe which can be shifted. The cover is granted subject to the following two clauses.

  • The loss of cash obstructed from the safe following the use of the key to the said safe or any duplicate these of belonging to the insured is not covered unless such key has been obtained by violence or through means of force. The use of force need not necessarily be against the person or an individual. It can be against property as well. Thus, cupboard is removed after forcing open the cupboard, the loss is covered by the policy.

  • A complete list of the amount of cash in safe should be kept secure in some places other than the safe and the liability of the insurer is limited to the amount actually shown by such records.