Emeritus Professor Victor E.H. Strasser-King, CRSL
- Former principle of Fourah Bay College & Pro-Chancellor, University of Sierra Leone
- He has srved in many Corporate Boards, including parastatals, such as Chairmanship of the former National Diamond Mining Company (NDMC), Sierra Leone Ports Authority and National Power Authority. Other directorships include, Peninsula Mining Co., Cresmet Brokers and Business Consultants, UT Oil Ltd, icren Services Ltd.
- He also served in many State Commissions and technical committees in Sierra Leone, including the Law Reform Commission and the National Commission for Privatisation.
- He was Senior Director at the Strategy & Policy Unit in the Office of the President
- Have received several awards and commendations, and is the subject of biographical reference in ‘Who is Who in the World’ for outstanding achievements in the field of geology and geology education.
- His life and career were celebrated by the University of Durham at a congregation ceremony in 2018